Learn the Secret to Opening Your Ford Fusion Without Power

Imagine this scenario: you’re standing in front of your Ford Fusion, desperately trying to access the interior. Your engine’s battery has breathed its last breath, rendering the key unlock button useless. You’re stuck outside, cursing your bad luck because there’s no traditional keyhole in sight. However, fret not, for today we are going to reveal the ingenious method to unlock your Ford Fusion when faced with this predicament.

how to unlock a ford fusion with keys locked inside

On the driver’s side door of your Ford Fusion, there’s a hidden feature that comes to your rescue. In the bottom part of the door, there’s a small, inconspicuous hole. Here’s how you can turn this hidden treasure into your key to salvation:

  1. Locating the Hidden Keyhole: First, identify the small hole on the bottom of the driver’s side door.
  2. Accessing the Keyhole: Next, take any suitable object, like a flathead screwdriver or even a sturdy piece of metal. Insert it into the hole and gently push it upwards and towards the back.
  3. Removing the Cover Plate: As you push the object, the cover plate that conceals the keyhole will pop off. It’s like discovering a hidden passage in a castle!
  4. Unlocking the Door: With the cover plate removed, you’ll now see the keyhole. Insert your key and turn it backward to unlock the door.
  5. Access Granted: Congratulations! You can now open the door and gain access to your beloved Ford Fusion.

This same method can also be used to lock the car if needed. It’s a nifty trick that can save the day when your car’s battery is dead, and traditional methods fail.

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And there you have it—a simple yet effective way to unlock your Ford Fusion when your battery leaves you in the lurch. Once you’re inside, you can go about your business, whether it’s popping the hood to jumpstart the battery or anything else you need to do.

Remember to put the cover plate back in place when you’re done. It’s a small but crucial detail that ensures your Ford Fusion stays secure.